Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

Kopdar CS Reg. Jkt and Bjm @ Papilon Cafe 3/8/2012

Kopdar CS Reg. Jkt, Bjm & USA(Gabriel)
— bersama Nurul Hidayah dan Fajeri Hidayat.

Met-Up with Chisty @ Siring Waterfront 10/5/2012

# 4 Met Up with Chisty (Usa)
10 - 11 Mei at Siring Banjarmasin
Kamis - Jumat

Met-up Couchsurfers with Adam Yue @ Siring Waterfront 3/5/2012

Met CSers #2 with Adam (China) and Sompat (Thailand)
@Siring, Banjarmasin

1st Gathering @ Siring Martapura 1/5/2012

Met Up #1
1 Mei 2012 (Malam Rabu) @Siring Banjarmasin
- Plan to host
- Plan to do alternative vacation
- Online Busines

Nobar The Raid @ 21 Cinema 24/3/2012

Nobar with two couchsurfers; Agustin from Yogyakarta and Ainun from Jember @Duta Mall, 24 Maret 2012 jam 11 malam.

Met-Up with Jana and Bibiana @ Depo Gemilang 24/2/2012

with Banjarmasin Travellers; Our guest:
Bibiana Takacova
Jana Karappova
Both from Slovakia

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Info about web/hang-out / meet-up/ gathering

Hello Couchsurfers.

This is section for informing about where do we usually Couchsurfers hang-out/meet-up/or gathered. But before i show you the places; this is official groups in Facebook. You may join for intense contact and quic-responses from us.

Tips Menggunakan Couchsurfing

Sebagai member di Couchsurfing, guna mengoptimalisasi penggunaan website ini sebenarnya tidak terletak seberapa banyak teman yang ditambahkan didunia maya; tetapi juga jalinan silaturahmi yang terhubung didunia nyata. Oleh karena itu, bagi member CS Surfing, saya akan kasih sedikit panduan bagaimana kamu bisa mencapai tujuan kamu melalui website ini.

Interest Places to Visit in South Kalimantan/Borneo

Banjarmasin and its surroundings

Banjarmasin, the capital city, is the center of trade and tourism. It lies at the delta of the Barito river. The city is intertwined by numerous rivers of various sizes and lengths. The major rivers are Martapura and Nagara. The numerous rivers made the city get its nickname River City local people build traditional floating houses along the rivers and these houses are called "lanting", facing the rivers, which are made of wood or bamboo. Rivers have been very important for business and economic activities. This is one reason why there are floating markets everywhere.

Rules and Policies - Aturan dan Kebijakan Couchsurfing [Please Read]

Aturan dan kebijakan dalam grup Couch Surfing Kalimantan Selatan.

Mohon dibaca dengan seksama (Please read carefully)

1. This group is free to join for everyone; Couchsurfers from South Borneo or Non-Southborneo as long as have Couchsurfing account :)

Grup ini terbuka bagi Couchsurfers dari mana saja, baik dari Kalimantan atau bukan, selama punya akun CS, mari ayo bergabung.

SBC Facebook Group

Hello folks,
I am Qori, i am from Banjarmasin, South Borneo. I created Couch Surfing account last year, but i was not too active in the regional, untill i found this group.
Sadly, most of members werent active anymore so that its hard to hear about CS activities in our regional.

Because of this, i think we can create a solid group in another place such as Facebook. I just created a new group name "Couchsurfers Banjarmasin"

About South Borneo

South Kalimantan is one of the 4 provinces in Kalimantan (formerly called Borneo).

It is often called the Province of a Thousand Rivers. One is Barito river, the largest and the longest river in Indonesia which is more than 6,000 km long.

One of its tributary rivers is the Martapura river, which in turn has two tributary rivers of its own, the Riam Kanan and Riam Kiwa rivers. Barito connects with the Negara rivers which branches out into lesser rivers.
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